Braiding garlic is easy - plus it's the perfect way to preserve garlic and ensure that it gets proper air circulation. It is important to use garlic fresh from the garden, so that the leaves are attached and pliable. Rinse the plants off, and choose the fullest heads for a better-looking braid.

Take three large heads and arrange them as shown in Diagram A. Braid the leaves together once or twice, close to the garlic heads; braid tightly so that the leaves don't show in between. Add a fourth head of garlic above the centre one; include its leaves with any one of the others and braid a little more (B). Next, add two more heads, this time to the side. Include their leaves with the others and keep braiding (C). Add one, then two, then one again until the braid is as long as you want - or until you run out of garlic.

For the best appearance, keep the heads close together. To finish, braid the remaining leaves together, tie with twine. And trim the ends. Hang to dry in a dry airy place.

Garlic 1Garlic 2Garlic 3

© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen

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