Artichokes (Globe)

Globe ArtichokesGlobe Artichokes are usually grown as perennial plants. The thistle like flower heads can be grown for ornamental purposes as well as for culinary use.

They need a warm sheltered spot with plenty of organic matter in the soil.

New plants can be produced by taking side shoot cuttings in April and planting these cuttings in the permanent position approximately 3' apart.

Some protection may be needed overwinter and this can be by tying the leaves together and earthing the plant up with soil and covering with straw.

It is the heart of the flower buds that are used for culinary use and the buds should be cut well before the purple flowers open. These are ready in June, with the larger centre bud forming first and then the smaller side buds forming later. Once the centre bud is removed the side buds get larger.

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