

Asparagus is a perennial so occupies the same spot for a number of years. It can be sown from seed or planted as crowns

Starting from seed

When starting from seed, prepare a seed bed and sow the seed thinly in rows 9" apart. Thin the seedlings to 12" apart when they are 3" - 4" tall.

Keep them free of weeds and well watered during the summer. In the autumn when the foliage starts to go brown, cur them back to soil level.

The following April, lift the crowns carefully and replant them in their permanent bed in the same way as planting crowns. The Asparagus will be ready for cropping in the second year after planting.

Planting crowns

Asparagus crowns need a light well drained soil and when planting it is essential to prepare the site thoroughly. If your soil is heavy or poorly drained, it is advisable to plant in a 9" - 12" high raised bed.

Prepare the bed by digging over and incorporating plenty of well rotted manure or compost and dress with 2oz Bonemeal per square yard.

When you buy Asparagus crowns, you will most probably find that they are 2 year old crowns. These are best as you will get a crop the following year (3rd year). You can plant crowns that you have grown yourself from seed that are 1 year old, but you will have to wait another 2 years before you can crop them.

Dig a trench 9" wide and 6" deep. Shape the bottom of the trench into a convex shape and plant the crowns 15" with the roots spread into the lower bit of the trench and with the crowns 4" below the soil surface. Cover the crowns with soil and level off the surface. Space the rows 15" apart.

Asparagus trench

In the autumn when the foliage starts to die back, cut them to ground level and top dress with a 2" thick layer of well rotted manure or compost.

In the spring, apply a dressing of general fertiliser such as fish, blood and bone or Growmore to ensure plenty of tips.

Cut the new tips as they come up and are 5" - 6" inches tall.

Pest and diseases

About the only problem you will come across is Asparagus beetles which feed on the new tips. Treat with Derris or B.H.C. Dust as a precaution.

© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen

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